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10 Baby Food Myths & Facts

baby food myths

Myths About Baby Food

You should read this article if you want to know whether your child is ready to eat solids! It’s common for mothers to be confused about what semi-solid foods to introduce to their babies after six months of exclusive breastfeeding. Some baby food myths are really popular than the majority of people still believe these baby food myths.

Too much research, however, can be detrimental, and mothers often return to the Internet with more questions than answers after reading about a million articles. Whether you relate to this or not, we will clarify all of your confusions about baby food myths and help you bust all the myths associated with it.


Baby Food Myths & Facts!


baby food myths


1. Oranges Are A Great Source Of Vitamin C


Vitamin C’s importance is often one of the first things we learn when reading articles about health. Vitamin C boosts our immune system and makes our skin look healthy. The antioxidants that your little baby receives from your breast milk have been sufficient until now. Vitamin C is mainly found in kiwis and guavas, which have a much higher amount than oranges do.


2. Babies Should Not Have Any Masalas


Spices and masalas may not be the best thing to introduce right after your baby starts weaning, but introducing them to masalas after a few months may make their mealtime more enjoyable. Baby foods have preferences between several months and a few years. The taste of breast milk varies from mother to mother and even according to culture and household. 


When a breastfeeding mother consumes flavors such as garlic, ginger, cumin, and other such spices, the baby becomes accustomed to these flavors. Therefore, adding a dash of cinnamon powder to your baby’s next meal might make it quite enjoyable.


3. Vegetables Before Fruits


In general, parents introduce their babies to fruits after they have weaned them with mashed and pureed vegetables, believing that fruits are the healthiest option. There are some parents who follow this pattern because they worry their babies will enjoy the sweet taste of fruits so much that they won’t like vegetables. There is no evidence, however, to confirm the claim that babies will only love fruits when they’re introduced to them first.


4. Sugar Makes Kids Hyperactive


Sugar makes kids hyperactive and active, as most parents and adults who have spent some time with children will attest. Too much sugar is also bad for teeth and health. Sugar is not the only factor behind a hyperactivity.


5. Fruit Juices Provide The Same Level Of Nutrition As Fruits


Although it is easier to feed a baby who has been weaned for a few months by giving them juice, the nutritional value of fruit juice is never quite the same as the nutritional value of the actual fruit. Certainly, 100% fruit juice is a good source of vitamins, but it is not equal to whole fruits and vegetables; whole fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber. You can give your baby juice by watering it down by 50% if you want to do that.


6. Decayed Teeth Will Fall Anyway, So They Are Fine


No matter how kids’ teeth fall out and replace them with new ones, you shouldn’t neglect them. Although chocolate and sugary processed foods may have become a habit in your older toddler, this shouldn’t mean you should encourage this. His decaying teeth will fall out eventually, so why encourage the habit? In some cases, falling or removing baby teeth before their time can actually affect how permanent teeth will position themselves.


7. Eggs Are Bad For Babies


You might be surprised to learn that eggs are one of the food items that can cause allergies in many people. The food is not the worst for babies, but most doctors advise parents to wait before introducing it earlier. Baby yolks are recommended for babies six months or younger; wait until a year old before giving a whole egg to your baby.


8. Food Allergies Last A Lifetime


You can be sure that this isn’t true. This is one of the most popular baby food myths. While many babies may have allergies to cow’s milk, soy, wheat, and eggs, it doesn’t mean that they will suffer from these allergies forever. When your baby is three years old, he might have outgrown common food allergies. There’s a chance that an allergy will disappear by the time the child reaches adulthood if they haven’t outgrown them by the age of 3. Dispute excessive allergies with your physician immediately.


9. Do Not Give The Baby Dairy Products If He Or She Has A Cold


It is widely believed that dairy products lead to excessive mucus production. It has been shown that milk is not associated with cold symptoms or mucus production, however. In other words, it is okay to give your baby dairy products while he has a cold unless he is lactose intolerant or has an underlying lactose allergy.


10. Introduce New Food One At A Time


You can try offering your infant a new blend of new foods to help his taste buds develop faster by giving him time to get used to the new foods and get a hang of the flavors.


As a baby completes its first six months, it reaches an important milestone both for the mother and the baby. You need to introduce semi-solids/solid foods for the baby. Introducing solid food to your baby after 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding can be challenging for mothers. We have many options for weaning foods for babies. 


Baby weaning is the process of introducing other foods besides breast milk to your child. A Baby’s diet is gradually expanded over a period of time as he or she is introduced to new kinds of food. In the first six months of a baby’s life, breast milk or infant formula milk was the only source of nutrition. 


Baby Food Myths: How To Deal With It


The fact that everyone believes it is right does not mean that it is right. Share your baby food myths in the comment section.  Be sure to seek instruction from a qualified pediatrician before practicing any advice from unverified sources. When it comes to babies, you can never be too sure. It’s even possible to trace the origin of each ingredient with Yummy Valley. Its transparency and high-quality ingredients make its product safe for children and give parents peace of mind.


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