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10 Amazing Mamra Badam Benefits You Should Know About

mamra badam benefits

Mamra badam benefits: Mamra Badam, which is also called Mamra almonds, refers to a different variety of almonds that is solely procured for its nutritional benefits and taste. Mamra Badam is not like any other regular almonds; they grow in particular regions of India and Iran where the climate and the soil contribute to the quality of these Mamra almonds-not only they are yummy, but they are also racked with some essential nutrients that can actually help to uplift your health.

This article is going to explain to you the top ten benefits of Mamra badam which everyone should know. These include improving heart health and brain function and thus becoming a part of your diet. Let us now take a look at these little nuts and their outstanding benefits, which are bound to amaze everyone, and find out exactly why they should find a prominent place in your pantry.

What is Mamra Badam?

Mamra Badam has an oil amount of between 49 and 51%, which sets it apart from other almond varieties. The high oil content not only compensates for the nutritional value in all other almond varieties but also adds to the value of these nuts. Almonds rank among the important nut crops of the world due to their economic aspect as well as nutritional worth.

Mamra Badam Nutrition

Total Fat49.9g
Total Sugar4.35g
Total Carbohydrate21.6g
Dietary Fibre12.5g
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Health Benefits of Mamra Badam

1. Helps reduce cholesterol and enhances heart health.

Mamra Badam is beneficial for heart disease and cholesterol reduction. Natural cholesterol-free food, 50 percent fat per 100 grammes, richest with good fatty acids. India has the lowest saturated fat (3.7 grams) by nut category; the composition portion is primarily monounsaturated fatty acids (62%). Raising HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) can help promote heart health. Eating almonds regularly may contribute to lower cholesterol, while overall heart health is enhanced.

2. Better brain function

Mamra Badam benefits to reduce the risk of age-related neurodegenerative diseases and memory loss. They contain a large amount of nutrients shown to protect or delay age-associated cognitive decline, such as tocopherol, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, and folate. Further protein, zinc, riboflavin, L-carnitine, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and riboflavin contribute to effective functioning of memory, muscle growth, and brain function in almonds.

3. Promote bone health

Dietary calcium, mainly contained in bones and teeth, comprises about 1% to 2% of an adult human body weight. However, the body’s ability to absorb calcium naturally diminishes with age, during menopause, with lactose intolerance, and with certain foods, which, in turn, affects the overall health of bones. Therefore, consuming high-calcium foods such as almonds becomes essential. It contains minerals such as calcium, copper, vitamin K, phosphorus, and magnesium. Therefore, eating about three to four almonds everyday gives the body such important elements and thus helps to prevent problems related to bones.

4. Weight Management

Mamra Badam helps lose weight or maintain weight through their high protein content and very low carbohydrate content. They are said by one study published in the International Journal of Obesity to bring about the maximum degree of change regarding weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Systolic Blood Pressure in the subjects following a formula-based low-calorie diet (LCD) among a group of nuts. Furthermore, almond’s rich fiber, protein, and healthy fat contents also delay feelings of hunger. The low glycemic index of almonds is believed to contribute to this fullness and lower appetite, thus reducing unnecessary cravings and effective weight management. These are just a few of the many health benefits Mamra almonds have to offer. Keep reading to discover all their extraordinary features.

5. Enhances gut health and facilitates digestion

Bowel discomfort may be caused either due to an imbalance in the gut microbiota or a low fiber level in the body. Almonds naturally add volume to feces and would aid the body in avoiding any complex problems related to digestive processes like constipation and even facilitate smooth bowel motions. Research is still ongoing as to how almonds may act as gut microbiota-prebiotics. Putting gut health first is such an easy way to create general health: after all, the stomach reflects general health.

6. Mamra Badam for Skin That Glows

Almonds contain antioxidants that help prevent the damage done by oxidative stress and free radicals in the body. They too tend to alter serum lipids quite significantly to ward off the effects of aging and the appearance of fine lines. Therefore, plain badam is the best source of vitamin E, containing 28.4 g and 7.27 mg of vitamin E, respectively. Vitamin E is essential for skin health. Purifying free radicals in the body thus helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure. Whether you eat it in almond milk or whole nuts, you will still reap its benefits.

7. Promotes body vitality and immunity

Security is given to bodies by different minerals which can be found in Mamra Badam, like Protein, Magnesium, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E. These active natural minerals treat the body from inflammation and disease and also infection by protecting it. They take on duties to fight against foreign substances by controlling the immune cells-neutrophils, T and B cells, and macrophages-steering their actions through various receptors. Consumption of Mamra Badam thus activates these potent combinations with a view to strengthening your immune response and successfully protecting you against ill health

8. Promotes eye health

Mamra Badam contains some of the vital ingredients for optimum eye health, which include vitamin E, riboflavin (one form of vitamin B2), and antioxidant powerhouses. Riboflavin carries out the work of energy production in the cells and vitamin E acts as a preventative from cellular injury within the eye. These nutrients act through synergistic mechanisms, thus preventing eyes from purely oxidative stress, which is said to be one amongst the famous causative factors of age-associated macular degeneration. A condition almost affecting the patient’s central vision, which is why incorporating Mamra Badam into your diet could be a proactive initiative in caring for your precious vision.

9. Aids in blood sugar regulation

A very low glycaemic index and high-fiber content make almonds excellent additions to any diet concerning blood sugar regulation. The badam is so good in delaying the absorption of sugars and carbohydrates, usually following meals, that it acts as a natural regulator. It makes Mamra Badam a clever and healthy choice, especially for those people who wish to control their blood sugar levels actively.

10. Helps in inhibition of Inflammation

Flavonoid and vitamin E-rich Kashmiri Badam have approximately 23.89 mg per 100 grams in Mamra Badam as anti-inflammatory. Dietary flavonoids are believed to act as antioxidants in vivo to decrease the risk of suffering from chronic diseases. Even so, studies still challenge such speculation, as even food having high flavonoids possesses difficulty in attaining high plasma levels. Assessments indicate that flavonoids from almond skins have bioavailability, especially in vitro and animal studies. It works with vitamins C and E to further augment LDL cholesterol resistance. What else is needed as a stronger argument for including Mamra Badam in the daily diet? It stands for the power of the body with antioxidant capacity and builds the defenses of the body against oxidative damage.

Mamra Badam vs Normal Badam

FeaturesMamra AlmondsRegular Almonds
OriginMiddle East and South Asia (Iran, Afghanistan)Predominantly California, USA
CultivationUsually practiced farming, totally organic in nature, requires more inputs from people than machinery.Usually raised using today’s modern methods of farming. It can have the application of pesticides.
Nutritional ContentIt is abundantly filled with healthy monounsaturated fats, proteins, vitamins (including vitamin E, magnesium and calcium)Its nutrition value is good but less in fats and vitamins as compared to Mamra Badam.
Oil ContentHigher oil content, contributing to a richer flavorLower oil content
TasteCrispier, tastier , a little sweet and nutty.Bland flavor, Hard texture
Health BenefitsBringing numerous potential health benefits that include an improvement in heart condition and functioning of the brain, as well as the ability to manage weight with higher density nutrients.Beneficial for health but with relatively lower nutrient benefits
Vitamin EHigher levels of potent antioxidantPresent but in lower quantities as compared to Mamra Badam
Monounsaturated FatsRich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acidsContains monounsaturated fats but in lesser amounts
Cognitive BenefitsRich in riboflavin and L-carnitine, supports cognitive functionBeneficial for brain health but to a lesser extent
CostExpensive due to labor-intensive cultivation and limited availabilityMore affordable and widely available
AvailabilityLess common, harder to findReadily available in most markets
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How to Consume Mamra Badam?

These little powerhouses could be ingested after soaking, as they typically need to be consumed to benefit from their many health benefits. It makes a nutrient-laden sweet cud to be fed anytime of the day-such a healthful Mamra Badam soaked-it frees nutrients for easy absorption by the body.

How do you soak and eat Mamra Badam?

  • Wash them 3-4 times in warm water before soaking.
  • Soak overnight or for at least five hours before eating. It softens the skin and makes the absorption of nutrients easier.
  • Remove the skin from the badam after draining the water.

Your soaked badam is now ready for snacking or for heavenly recipes.

What is the daily consumption amount? 

According to research, consuming 56 grams of almonds as a daily snack significantly affects the blood lipid profiles positively of those people consuming, owing to the total cholesterol, LDL, and non-HDL cholesterol being low.

Uses of Mamra Badam

  • Snacking: They make a great snack by themselves but may also be enjoyed by tossing them in with dried fruits or nuts for extra flavor. 
  • Salads: Toasted Mamra Badam gives salads a nice crisp element and a very healthy boost. 
  • Baking: The incorporation of these superfood almonds into bread, muffins, cupcakes, energy bars, and other baked goods raises the nutritional power of these products. 
  • Sweets / Badam Halwa: Badam Halwa is a very rich South Indian sweet dish made primarily with Mamra Badam. You could also put some Mamra Badam in desserts like kheer and rasmalai to elevate their flavor and texture. 
  • Nut Butter: Turn roasted Mamra Badam into a very smooth nut butter to be used as a spread.
  • Smoothies & Shakes: When blended with milk, Mamra Badam gives a creamy texture and flavor to smoothies and shakes.
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Side Effects Of Mamra Badam

1. Reactions due to Allergies and Overdoses

These are mostly related to childhood but can suddenly crop up in older persons, too. Symptoms are often seen as hives, lip swelling, runny nose, tingling in the mouth, tightening of the throat, itchiness of skin, rashes, digestive problems, and hives. An elevated pimple is also included in the signs and symptoms. If you showed any of the above signs, try to avoid it or Mamra badam.

2. Weight Gain

Even if Mamra Badam is rich in fats, most of it comprises those of monosaturated, which would promote weight gain, especially if overeating without any exercise included in the day-to-day routine. It would typically lead to fat accumulation into your flesh; being inside and hushed ip uselessly can really do quite horrible things for your weight gains.

3. Constipation

Eating too many Mamra Badam brings in all possibilities of causing internal swelling, making the person have thick stools, or even going into a fit of diarrhea. It is so because these almonds are high in fiber and too much of it, especially in a dry state, causes cramping in the abdomen. The solution, therefore, is to take in more fluids.

4. Overdosing on Vitamin E 

Mamra Badam is rich in vitamin E. A high consumption of vitamin E could interfere with blood clotting due to its high concentration in the body. Therefore, vitamin E-rich foods must be taken with moderation.

5. Kidney Stone 

It is essential to have in mind that consuming too much Mamra Badam can cause different types of kidney stones, as they contain a high quantity of oxalates.


Mamra Badam is a treat and snack ideal for any time of the day. These superfoods are packed with nutrition and value. When grown under superior standards, it becomes a boon for the individual suffering from heart diseases, diabetes, and high cholesterol. We embraced the promise of health that these mighty little nuts carry while indulging the gastronomic potential of Mamra Badam. Remember to consume Mamra Badam moderately as you try new things with it.

FAQs on Mamra Badam Benefits

What is so special about Mamra badam?

Mamra Badam will not only give nutrition and valuable superfoods, they will be healthy and tasty snacks for any time. These nuts are grown with extra care and attention as they are great in benefits for high blood sugar, cholesterol, and heart patients. Whether indulging the taste buds through exploring culinary possibilities or including these little but mighty almonds in the diet, we hold the promise of good healthy living.

How many Mamra Badam to eat per day?

As per the studies conducted, regular snacking on 56 grams of almonds has a proven impact on the blood lipid profiles of such consumers, on account of the fact that total cholesterol, LDL, and non-HDL cholesterol were found to be lower.

Can we eat Mamra Badam without soaking?

Yes,Mamra Badam can be consumed without soaking. But they become easy to digest and chew when the Mamra badam is soaked.

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