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Barnyard Millet Idli Recipe

millet idli

Barnyard millet idli recipe? It’s like the cool new breakfast buddy shaking things up! Crafted from this impressive millet packed with essential nutrients like fibre, protein, and minerals, this dish is a gluten-free gem. Plus, it’s diabetes-friendly, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels—a nutritional win for sure!

Making it? Easy-peasy! Grab some barnyard millet, urad dal, fenugreek seeds, salt, and water. Soak and grind the millet and urad dal separately, then let the mix chill overnight. Voila! Breakfast magic is ready to go!

Once fermented, steam the batter in idli moulds to whip up soft and fluffy idlis. Pair these beauties with sambar, chutney, or your favourite side. This barnyard millet idli promises a nutritious and delightful start to your day, brimming with energy and flavour.

What is Barnyard Millet?

Check out this cool millet! It’s called barnyard millet, but it’s also known as Sanwa rice or samak rice. Picture tiny, round, white grains—super popular during Navratras in India. And guess what? It’s like the super grain of millet—gluten-free and jam-packed with protein, calcium, iron, minerals, and vitamin B complex!

This millet’s a champ! It can handle tough situations like droughts or too much water—sort of like a rainfed crop superhero. Oh, and it’s got different names in different places—Shyama, moraiyo, Sanwa, oodalu, kuthiraivolly, and udalu, depending on where you are. Think small, white, and round—bigger than semolina but smaller than sago. Cool, huh?

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Barnyard Millet Idli

Barnyard millet idli is the fluffiest, softest steamed cake made from barnyard millet and urad dal batter. It’s like a superhero dish—it’s gluten-free, low-calorie, and high-fibre, perfect for the champs watching their weight or keeping diabetes in check. And hey, it’s the perfect match for sambar, chutney, or whatever delicious side you fancy!


  • 1 cup barnyard millet
  • 1/4 cup urad dal (split black gram)
  • 1/4 tbsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1/4 tbsp salt
  • 3 cups water (for soaking and grinding)
  • 1/4 cup water (for adjusting batter consistency)
  • 2 tbsp Oil (for greasing idli moulds)


  1. First off, give your barnyard millet, urad dal, and fenugreek seeds a good soak, preferably overnight. Drain them after they’ve had their spa time.
  2. Now, let the blending games begin! Grind up your urad dal and fenugreek seeds until they’re smooth and fluffy, then slide that mix into a big ol’ bowl.
  3. Pop those barnyard millet seeds into the same blender, aiming for a smooth yet slightly coarse texture. Add some water to make it a nice, pourable batter and dump that goodness into the bowl with your urad dal mix.
  4. Sprinkle in some salt and give it a good swirl. Your batter should be thick but still in a pouring mood. Adjust the water if it needs a splash more. Now, wrap that bowl up in a cosy cloth and let it ferment for 6 to 8 hours, or let it snooze overnight in a cosy nook.
  5. Once it’s done fermenting, check on it—see how it’s risen and gotten all bubbly. Give it a gentle stir and adjust the thickness if needed by adding a bit of water and mixing it up.
  6. Now, grab your idli moulds and grease ’em up with some oil. Pour that batter in, don’t go crazy filling them up, though—remember, they’ll puff up while they’re cookin’.
  7. Steam those Idlis for about 10 to 15 minutes until they’re cooked through. Once they’re ready, carefully pluck ’em out of the moulds.
  8. Hot tip: Serve these babies while they’re piping hot or warm. They’re the perfect pals for sambar, chutney, or whatever delicious side you’ve got. Bon appétit! (And just so you know, it’s about 150 kcal per serving, which is 4 idlis.)
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millet idli

Barnyard Millet Idli Recipe

Learn how to make soft barnyard millet idli, a healthy dish for your breakfast!
Prep Time 10 hours
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4
Calories 150 kcal


  • 1 Idli cooker or steamer
  • 1 Idli moulds
  • 1 Blender or grinder
  • 1 Large bowl
  • 1 Spoon
  • 1 Measuring cups and spoons
  • 1 Cloth or muslin


  • 1 cup barnyard millet
  • 1/4 cup urad dal (split black gram)
  • 1/4 tbsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1/4 tbsp salt
  • 3 cups water (for soaking and grinding)
  • 1/4 cup water (for adjusting batter consistency)
  • 2 tbsp Oil (for greasing idli moulds)


  • First off, give your barnyard millet, urad dal, and fenugreek seeds a good soak, preferably overnight. Drain them after they've had their spa time.
  • Now, let the blending games begin! Grind up your urad dal and fenugreek seeds until they're smooth and fluffy, then slide that mix into a big ol' bowl.
  • Pop those barnyard millet seeds into the same blender, aiming for a smooth yet slightly coarse texture. Add some water to make it a nice, pourable batter and dump that goodness into the bowl with your urad dal mix.
  • Sprinkle in some salt and give it a good swirl. Your batter should be thick but still in a pouring mood. Adjust the water if it needs a splash more. Now, wrap that bowl up in a cozy cloth and let it ferment for 6 to 8 hours, or let it snooze overnight in a cosy nook.
  • Once it's done fermenting, check on it—see how it's risen and gotten all bubbly? Give it a gentle stir and adjust the thickness if needed by adding a bit of water and mixing it up.
  • Now, grab your barnyard millet idli moulds and grease 'em up with some oil. Pour that batter in, don't go crazy filling them up, though—remember, they'll puff up while they're cookin'.
  • Steam those barnyard millet Idlis for about 10 to 15 minutes until they're cooked through. Once they're ready, carefully pluck 'em out of the moulds.
  • Hot tip: Serve these babies while they're piping hot or warm. They're the perfect pals for sambar, chutney, or whatever delicious side you've got. Bon appétit! (And just so you know, it's about 150 kcal per serving, which is 4 idlis.)


  • Feeling adventurous? Swap out barnyard millet for some foxtail, little, or pearl millet—take your pick! For an extra pop of taste and health, toss in grated carrots, chopped coriander, or curry leaves into the batter.
  • Got batter leftovers? No worries! Pop them into an airtight container and they’ll stay fresh in the fridge for 3 days. Or, level up your prep game—freeze that batter for up to a month. Just thaw and you’re good to go whenever those idli cravings strike!
Keyword barnyard millet idli, millet idli

Whipping up some barnyard millet idli at home is a breeze! It’s like a superhero dish—gluten-free, low on calories, but sky-high on fibre. Perfect for the health buffs and the flavour hunters alike! Pair it up with sambar, chutney, or your favourite pod for a taste bud party.

Dive into the world of millets with this recipe, and let the healthy goodness take the lead. Whip it up and spill the beans—share your thoughts with us!

Get ready for a love-at-first-bite moment with our barnyard millet idli recipe!

Health Benefits of Barnyard Millet Idli

Barnyard millet, this tiny grass, grows in places like India, China, and Japan, going by names like Sanwa rice or Shyama. This millet’s like a taste chameleon—it’s sweet, and nutty, and can shape-shift into rice or jazz up your porridge, idli, dosa, or khichdi. But hold onto your hats—this millet’s not just about the taste, it’s a nutrition rockstar. Let me give you the lowdown on why it’s a mealtime hero:

1. Low in Calories and High in Protein

This millet’s a super grain in disguise! It’s all about that low-calorie life yet packed with protein power that keeps your muscles, tissues, and organs in superhero mode. Take a peek at a teensy bit of this millet (25g, raw)—just 75 calories but serving up 1.5g of protein. Talk about a win-win for those weight-watchers or health enthusiasts!

2. Rich in Fiber and Low in Glycemic Index

Picture this millet as your tummy’s secret super grain: armed with fibre, it’s the ultimate support system for better digestion, smooth sailing in the regularity department, keeping cholesterol in line, and managing blood sugar levels like a pro.

Among its millet buddies, it’s the fibre champ, dishing out 12.6g in just half a cup. But here’s the cool part—its low glycemic index means it won’t send your blood sugar on a wild rollercoaster after a meal. That’s a mega-win for anyone rocking the diabetes management game!

3. Gluten-free and Allergy-Friendly

Imagine barnyard millet as the caped crusader among grains—it’s the gluten-free hero! Perfect for those in the celiac club or anyone waving goodbye to gluten. Gluten hides in wheat, barley, and other grains, cause tummy rumbles or allergy alarms for some.

But hold on tight—this millet doesn’t roll with other allergy troublemakers like nuts, soy, dairy, or eggs. It’s the superhero meal choice for anyone navigating food allergies or sensitivities, keeping meals safe and sound!

4. Packed with Minerals and Antioxidants

Barnyard millet isn’t your ordinary grain—it’s a treasure trove brimming with vital goodies! Picture minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium teaming up for strong bones, smooth muscle action, and an immune boost.

But wait, there’s more to this millet marvel! It’s also got these awesome antioxidants—think of them as your cell’s protective squad.

They show up in forms like phenols, flavonoids, and tannins, ready to take down the bad guys called free radicals.

These troublemakers can cause havoc like cancer or diabetes, but fear not! These antioxidants rush in like tiny superheroes, shielding your cells from harm. It’s like having a squad of tiny heroes in every bite!

5. Easy to Cook and Versatile

Barnyard millet is like your kitchen’s superhero! It’s a snap to cook, taking just 15 to 20 minutes. You can treat it like rice, turn it into idli or dosa after a good soak and grind, or even roast it for snacks.
This little fella is the master of disguise! Mash it for puddings, toss it into salads, soups, or even desserts. Plus, it’s like the ultimate team player—mix it up with rice, quinoa, or oats for a flavour-packed combo.

But hey, it’s not just about being the kitchen champ! This millet is a health wizard too—gluten-free, loaded with fibre, low on calories, and packed with protein. It’s the superhero fighting off diabetes, obesity, heart issues, and allergies.

And guess what? It’s not just a health whiz; it’s eco-friendly too! Yup, it’s a win-win for your health and the planet. So why not give it a whirl? It’s a delicious adventure waiting to happen!

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FAQ about Barnyard Millet Idli Recipe

Is it OK to eat millet every day?

Enjoy millet in moderation, like a weekly guest popping by three or four times! But hey, keep this in mind: for the thyroid warriors out there, millet might not be the best dinner date. Thyroid pals, dodge the millet because it might make that thyroid balloon up.

Can I replace rice with millet?

Absolutely! Millets are like the cool, healthy cousins of rice. These tiny wonders are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre—think of them as your nutrient superheroes! Plus, they’re gluten-free and kind to your blood sugar, giving other rice types a run for their money.

Is millet better than rice?

According to the guru of grains, millets take the trophy in the showdown against rice and wheat. Forget about gluten worries—millets are the cool kids on the block! They also come with a bonus: each millet brings a whole new taste adventure, making your meals a flavour fiesta!
